Tag Archives: morals

strippers and cocaine mikel style..


so i should probably explain the title of this blog post…. lol

so my best friend’s boyfriend said i should come down to Milwaukee with her this weekend. and when it comes to Mikel, we do it big. Although i know for a fact that there will be no cocaine, there might be a chance of strippers. lol and when molly and i drink, molly and i tend to be down to do crazy and stupid shit. When there’s booze and beer involved, we tend to let logic fly right out the window and let the morals out the other window…


So anyways, i know you folks don’t know much of mine and molly’s friendship.. so i’ll give you an example..





Yeah, so needless to say were kinda fucking weird. But its all good..


So yes, as you can tell molly and i are pretty much sisters from different misters. But to be honest, were two very different girls. I’m the hardcore tom-boy who wears makeup and camo and loves beer. Molly’s all for the flowers, lipstick and curling her hair, anything pink, and can down more vodka tonics than anyone i’ve ever met. To be honest, i think that’s what makes our friendship last.  We’ve been friends since the 7th grade, and to be honest if it wasn’t for Kristin (a girl who was my best friend for a very long time but we’ve really lost touch over the years) i wouldn’t know molly. We can go for half a year not talking and still pick up right where we left off six months before.


The hard part about molly tho, is that her boyfriend Mikel is my ex nick’s best friend. (YES! i made the amazing results mistake of introducing them, well actually me and nick did it but we honestly had no idea they’d end up together since the night they met they fought like small children) So from time to time, its a little awkward i have to admit. Because nick will be out with them and i’ll see him. But hey, who wouldn’t wanna see the guy they’ve been in love with for years when he’s drunk? (PS that’s the only way he talks to me, although he deleted me out of his phone.. #fuckinsadaboutthatpart) But then again the s#^ was fucking TERRIBLE! but that’s totally inappropriate for me to write on here.. then again I DON”T GIVE A FUCK!


Moving onto mine and molly’s crazy half fucked up and half drunk friendship. I’ve always said i could write a book about all the stupid ass shit we’ve done, and it could maybe make me a millionaire.  From the HIGHLY illegal, to just the downright fucking stupid shit we’ve done. From the good times to the bad, we’ve been through so much shit together.


Example A:




Yes folks thats right! I drink from time to time when i write this blog, what can i say there isn’t an excuse for it.. but it helps me to be much more open when it comes to certain shit.. But anyways..


Of all the words that are in the dictionary.. i honestly can’t think of one solid word that describes our friendship. In the years that I’ve known molly i can honestly say she is the reason i wear makeup, heels, and dress girly from time to time.  If it wasn’t for her (or Kristin  or for the fact that once puberty kicked in and wanted on boys) i probably wouldn’t be who i am today. & yes, i know girls go through there bullshit fights and don’t talk to each other ever again, but to be honest we can be pissed at each other for around 24 hours, and then were texting each other about all the bullshit going down or asking if the other wants to go out and get fucked up.. To REALLY honest, we always seem to make up if booze or beer is involved. I know we didn’t talk much senior year but that’s because our boyfriends went to two separate high schools and they were two opposites of the type of guy spectrum, but we came back together and we nearly burned our city to the ground once we turned 21.. And we’ve pretty much been hanging out every other day since the spring of 2010. I can honestly admit i don’t think we’ve gone more than a month of not talking since then. But since that one or maybe two months that we weren’t speaking much, i don’t think we’ve gone more than a week without hanging out. and when we did, one of us would text the other one saying how much we missed the other. But i’m going to run off on my readers (okay the two of u.. if im lucky..) and head out for a cruise with the molly-moe.. DEUCES ❤